How to Buy Domain Names: 10 Things You Should Know

13 min readJul 6, 2023


Today, there’s hardly a better way to establish your online presence than by buying or registering your own domain. But where do you start, and what should you keep in mind? Here are ten tips on buying domains that can help you get the most out of your money.

1. Understanding What a Domain Is

What is a Domain?

A domain is fundamentally your address on the internet. Every website has a unique domain that sets it apart from all other sites. The domain name is the string of characters you type into your web browser’s address bar to access a specific website.

But it’s more than just an address. It serves as the foundation of your website’s identity. The domain you choose becomes associated with your site, forming part of your branding and your online presence.

Your domain can be split into different parts. For instance, in the domain ‘', ‘www’ is the subdomain, ‘wobado’ is the second-level domain, and ‘com’ is the top-level domain. These components work together to create a complete web address.

Why is a Domain Important?

A domain is vital as it symbolizes your online identity. It has a significant influence on how users find you online and perceive your brand. An appropriately chosen domain can enhance confidence in your brand, while a poorly selected one may dissuade potential customers.

The importance of a domain extends beyond just being a web address. It’s a powerful marketing tool that, when well-optimized, can increase your website’s visibility in search engine results, making it easier for people to find your site. It can also improve your website’s credibility, making visitors more likely to trust your content.

Additionally, a good domain can enhance brand recognition. Memorable, concise, and relevant domain names make it easier for customers to remember your site, fostering increased user engagement and repeat visits. Conversely, complex, long, or irrelevant domain names can be hard to remember and may result in lost traffic.

Choosing the right domain is an important strategic decision that can significantly impact your website’s success. It sets the stage for your online presence and can shape your users’ first impression of your site. Therefore, it’s vital to put careful thought into selecting a domain that effectively communicates your brand and its value proposition.

2. Pick a Memorable Domain Name

The Magic of a Memorable Domain

In the crowded space of the internet, standing out is the name of the game. And that’s where a memorable domain name comes into play. A catchy, easy-to-remember domain name can be your golden ticket to an unforgettable online presence. Think of your domain name as a brand ambassador, constantly working to reinforce your brand in people’s minds.

What makes a domain name memorable, you ask? Well, simplicity is key here. Aim for a domain name that’s short and sweet, something that rolls off the tongue. Lengthy or complex domain names are often quickly forgotten or misremembered.

It’s not just about being easy to say, though; it’s also about being easy to type. A memorable domain name should be quick to punch into a browser or a search bar. The easier it is to spell, the fewer potential barriers there are between your customers and your site.

Avoid Complex Spellings and Special Characters

When you’re brainstorming potential domain names, you might be tempted to get a bit creative with spellings or to throw in a special character or two. Hold that thought right there! Unusual spellings or punctuation in your domain can lead to a whole host of issues.

First off, they can make it trickier for people to find your site. Imagine telling someone your website address over the phone — if it contains numbers instead of letters or hyphens between words, you’ll likely have to spend extra time explaining how to spell it. That’s not ideal, especially in a fast-paced, digital world where simplicity is prized.

In addition, complex spellings and special characters could lead to typos, and typos could lead users to entirely different websites or, worse, error pages. Either way, that’s a potential visitor (or customer!) lost.

So, when it comes to choosing your domain, remember: keep it simple, make it memorable, and avoid the urge to go overboard with creative spellings or punctuation. This will help make your domain name — and by extension, your website — more accessible and memorable for everyone. If you want to read more about Mistakes and what to avoid, you can checkout this article: Top 10 Domain Name Mistakes to Avoid for Enhanced SEO Success

3. Buy Domains with Keywords in it

The Mighty Impact of Keywords in Domains

As the saying goes, it’s all in the name. In the context of domains, what’s in the name could potentially impact how well your website ranks on search engine results. Enter the world of keywords — those powerful little words that can give your website a significant boost.

Including relevant keywords in your domain name can be a smart move for several reasons. For starters, it can help signal to search engines what your website is about, thereby increasing your chances of appearing in search results related to your keyword. For instance, if your website is all about homemade pizzas, a domain name like ‘' can help clue in search engines (and people) about the theme of your content.

But keywords in a domain don’t just play nice with search engines. They’re also useful for potential visitors. A well-chosen keyword in your domain can give people an instant idea of what they can expect on your website. It’s like a neon sign outside a store, announcing what’s on offer.

Choose Keywords Wisely

While keywords in domains can be mighty useful, it’s worth treading with care. Keyword stuffing — the practice of cramming multiple keywords into your domain — is a big no-no. Not only can it make your domain look unprofessional and spammy, but it can also backfire when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO). Most search engines today are smart enough to recognize and penalize this practice.

So, when you’re selecting keywords for your domain, remember: moderation is key. Think carefully about what keywords truly represent your website’s content and purpose. Ideally, your keyword should be relevant to your content, appealing to your target audience, and not overly competitive.

In conclusion, a well-chosen keyword can make your domain more meaningful to both search engines and users. But like with any good thing, use them wisely and sparingly for the best results.

4. Check Marketplaces, Domain Availability and Price

Playing it Safe: The Role of a Reliable Domain Provider

Purchasing a domain or registering a new domain name is a significant step in establishing your online presence, but equally important is where you make that purchase. Your domain provider is like the foundation of your digital home. You want it to be strong, reliable, and trustworthy. You can also consider using a broker, Domain Broker: How They Can Help You Buy or Sell Domains Successfully.

Why does it matter who your domain provider is? Well, a reliable provider can offer you a host of benefits that go beyond just domain registration. They can give you peace of mind with secure transactions, professional support when you need it, and pricing that’s transparent and fair. It’s the difference between a smooth ride and a bumpy journey in your online adventure.

Picking Your Partner: How to Spot a Reliable Domain Provider

So, how do you find a dependable domain provider amid a sea of options? Here are some pointers:

  1. Do Your Homework: Research is your best friend here. Look at various providers, their offerings, and their reputation. Pay attention to their years in business, their customer base, and their overall market presence.
  2. Read Reviews: Customer reviews can provide valuable insight into a provider’s reliability and service quality. Look for patterns in the feedback. Are there common complaints or praises? These can be telling indicators of what to expect.
  3. Compare Prices: While it’s not all about the price, it’s still a key consideration. Compare the pricing of different providers. Is it fair and competitive? Beware of prices that seem too good to be true; they often come with a catch.
  4. Assess Transparency: A reliable provider will be upfront about their pricing, terms of service, and policies. If you can’t find clear information or if the fine print is too confusing, it might be a red flag.
  5. Evaluate Customer Support: Good customer service is an important aspect of a reliable provider. Check out their support channels. Are they easily reachable? Do they offer 24/7 support?

Remember, choosing a reliable domain provider is a crucial aspect of your website’s success. Take your time, do your due diligence, and choose a partner that aligns with your needs and values. Because in the digital world, your domain provider isn’t just a vendor; they’re a vital part of your online journey.

5. Opt for the Right Top-Level Domain (TLD)

What is a TLD?

A top-level domain (TLD) is the last part of a domain, e.g., .com, .net, .org, etc. Choosing the right TLD can influence your online presence.

Choosing the Right TLD

The most common TLD is .com, but there are also many other options, such as .net, .org, .biz, and country-specific TLDs. When choosing a TLD, keep your target audience and your brand in mind.

6. Protect Your Brand

Guarding Your Online Identity: The Necessity of Brand Protection in Domain Purchasing

In the ever-expanding universe of the internet, your brand’s name is its identity, its calling card, and often, its first impression. And just as you’d protect your personal identity from theft and misuse, so should you protect your brand’s identity. In the context of domains, brand protection is all about securing your brand’s online presence and reputation from potential threats and confusions.

Why is this important, you ask? Imagine if a competitor set up a website with a domain strikingly similar to yours and began using it to confuse your customers or, worse, tarnish your reputation. Sounds like a nightmare, right? This is where brand protection comes into play. It’s about proactively securing different variations of your domain and different Top-Level Domains (TLDs) to ensure that no one else can ride on your brand’s coattails.

Fortifying Your Brand: How to Ensure Brand Protection

How can you create this safety net for your brand? Let’s look at some strategies:

  1. Buy Multiple Domain Extensions: When you purchase a domain, consider buying it with various TLDs. For example, if you own ‘,' consider also purchasing ‘,' ‘,' etc. This prevents others from registering these domains and potentially creating confusion.
  2. Consider Similar Domains: Think about possible misspellings or variations of your brand name and consider buying those domains as well. For instance, if your domain is ‘,' you might also want to purchase ‘'
  3. Trademark Registration: Registering your brand name as a trademark provides legal protection against its unauthorized use. While this process can take time and requires legal expertise, it can offer a strong layer of protection for your brand.
  4. Use Domain Privacy: When you register a domain, your details become publicly available in a WHOIS database. By opting for domain privacy protection, your provider hides this information, safeguarding you from potential threats.

In a nutshell, your brand is one of your most valuable assets, and its protection should be a top priority when you’re buying domains. After all, the digital world can be a bit like the wild west, and it’s always wise to secure your turf. So, go ahead and stake your claim, build your fence, guard your brand. Because a secure brand is a strong brand.

7. Buying a Domain from a Marketplace

The Ups and Downs of Buying a Used Domain

Just as people buy and sell used cars, the same goes for domains. A used domain, also known as a pre-owned or expired domain, can be a tempting option for many. But before you jump in, let’s take a moment to weigh the pros and cons.

The Bright Side: The Pros of Buying a Used Domain

There’s no denying that used domains come with their set of perks. Here are a few:

  1. Built-in Traffic: One of the biggest advantages is that a used domain may already have existing traffic. That means you could start with a ready-made audience, saving you time and effort in attracting initial visitors.
  2. Established Domain Authority: Used domains might have a decent domain authority score. This score, given by search engine algorithms, can influence how a website ranks in search results. An established domain authority can give you a head-start in the SEO game.
  3. Quality Backlinks: If the previous owner had a strong SEO strategy, the domain might come with quality backlinks. These are like votes of confidence from other websites and can boost your site’s credibility.

The Dark Side: The Cons of Buying a Used Domain

But buying a used domain isn’t all sunshine and roses. Here are a few potential drawbacks:

  1. Negative SEO: If the previous owner used unethical SEO strategies, the domain might be penalized by search engines. This can seriously hurt your SEO efforts and can take time to rectify.
  2. Bad Reputation: Just as with used cars, you might inherit the domain’s past troubles. A poor reputation due to spammy content or unethical practices can deter visitors and make it harder to build trust.
  3. Higher Cost: Used domains, especially ones with strong SEO metrics or high traffic, can be significantly more expensive than new ones.

All in all, It can offer a fast track to traffic and SEO success, but it could also saddle you with a bag of problems. So, if you’re considering going down this route, do your homework and also always check the value of a domain with various evaluation tools like our Free Domain Appraisal Tool. A thorough inspection of the domain’s history and performance can help you avoid potential pitfalls and make a more informed decision. Consider a Domain Due Diligence, read more about that here: Domain Due Diligence: How to Assess the Value and History of a Domain — if you need the right tools, you can check our Top Essential Tools and Resources for Domain Investors.

8. Consider the Future

Looking Ahead: The Significance of Future Planning in Domain Purchases

When embarking on your domain-buying journey, it’s tempting to get caught up in the present — the trends, the buzzwords, the hot topics. However, one crucial aspect you shouldn’t overlook is future planning. Here’s why: your domain isn’t just an address; it’s a long-term investment. You want to pick a name that will not only serve you well today but continue to do so in the years to come.

A forward-thinking domain purchase is one that aligns seamlessly with your brand’s long-term vision and goals. Sure, you’re a small home-baked cookie business now, but what if you plan to expand into a full-fledged bakery or a café in the future? In this case, a domain like ‘' might not cover all your bases. This is why thinking ahead is so crucial.

Planning for Tomorrow, Today

So, how exactly do you future-proof your domain? Here are some pointers:

  1. Consider Your Brand’s Evolution: Think about your brand’s growth trajectory and potential pivots. Will you be expanding your product range? Venturing into new markets? Your domain should be flexible enough to accommodate these changes.
  2. Avoid Being Too Specific: While it’s great to have a domain that clearly communicates your niche, being too specific can limit your options. For instance, ‘' might not work if you decide to start selling hot dogs. So, try to strike a balance between specificity and flexibility.
  3. Potential Resale Value: In the world of domains, today’s purchase could be tomorrow’s goldmine. Some domains appreciate over time and can be sold at a profit. Therefore, choose a domain that has broad appeal and could be valuable to a wide range of businesses.

Buying a domain isn’t just about the here and now. It’s about envisioning the future of your brand and making a decision that facilitates growth and change. So, when you’re scrolling through available domains, think beyond the present moment. Try to see the big picture, the grand plan, the future. After all, the best way to predict the future is to create it — starting with the right domain.

9. Check the Domain Name for Legal Disputes

The Danger of Legal Disputes

A domain that’s already in legal disputes can spell trouble. Ensure that the domain name you pick is free from legal issues.

How to Avoid Legal Disputes

You can use online tools to check if a domain is already trademarked or if there are disputes associated with the name.

10. Register Your Domain at a Reliable Provider

The Importance of a Reliable Provider

Where you register and purchase your domain can make a big difference. A reliable provider offers you security, good customer service, and fair prices.

How to Find a Reliable Provider

We have a list here of a few Domain Registars:

  • — Best for beginners with simple website needs and easy-to-use interface.
  • InMotion Hosting — Best for high-performance websites with reliable uptime and excellent support.
  • A2 Hosting — Best for speed and security with advanced optimization and security features.
  • Namecheap — Best for affordable domain registration and great customer support.
  • Hostinger — Best for budget-friendly hosting plans with fast loading speeds and easy-to-use interface.

With the right domain hosting provider and a strong domain name, you’ll be already on your way to building a successful online business.

FAQs about Buying Domains

1. Does it matter where I buy my domain?

Yes, it’s important that you buy or register your domain from a reliable provider. A good provider offers you security, support, and fair prices.

2. Is a .com domain always the best choice?

Not necessarily. Although .com is the most well-known TLD, there are many other options that might be better suited depending on your brand and target audience.

3. How much does a domain cost?

The costs for a domain can vary greatly depending on how coveted the domain name is and what TLD you choose — starting from 1$ to 12$ per year and more.

4. How can I check if a domain is available?

There are many online tools you can use to check if a domain is available.

6. What should I do to protect my brand?

To protect your brand, consider purchasing multiple domains or different TLDs. You could also apply for a trademark registration or use domain privacy protection.

For more information on buyind and selling Domain Names, you can checkout our Guide : Domain Flipping 101 — How to Buy Domain Names and How to Sell Domain Names


Buying domains might seem complex at first glance, but with the right tips and some preparation, you can ensure you’re making the best possible choice. Remember that your domain is an investment in your online presence, so choose wisely.




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